
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Introduction to Mindset Training

Of all the subjects in all of the world that I could choose to spend my time and energy upon… Mindset is my favorite. I have learned that this subject above all the rest has been the one that I have been studying most of my life and I did not even notice this. As I begin to press forward in sharing my message with the world I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Deacon Weeks. At the time of this post I am 34 years old. I am married with 3 children (and one in the oven)14,12, and 0.5 (years). We live together in Upstate New York on a little place I call home. I have written numerous books and published 6 thus far. It is actually much easier for me to write books than to blog… blogging (to me) is a bit of a daunting task because the organization that I thrive on seems to be lacking. Regardless I do blog from time to time because I am a writer and this seems to be the direction of things. My books are still available in print form if you can peal yourself away from the computer long enough.

Enough about me. The purpose of this is to focus our mindsets. We will learn to understand the mindset we have, we will learn whether or not we want to change our mindset, we will even look at ways in which our mindset can be adjusted. The reader must understand that the subject is one that we can study for all of eternity and barely get a grasp on. Either way… there are things we can do in this life when we understand the mindsets that we have, and that others have, and these things will never seize to be amazing.

Not everyone will stop to consider their mind and the things they do on a daily basis… but doing so will no doubt give us an advantage as we move forward. I study the subject of mindset for many reasons. Number one it is compelling, number two it has no end, number three it helps me in everything I try to do as I learn more, and number four I can help others gain advantage over their lives by sharing what I learn.

If you are ready to take hold of your mind and become the person that you know you are meant to be… join with me… and we will change the world one mindset at a time.

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